If the stars, and the newspapers, are telling us anything, 2025 is going to be another gear of rollercoaster. Thankfully you as an irresistible reader will be able to face whatever comes with your celestial horosocopial knowledge, and hopefully the accompanying advice about what you can do to feel a little better. As Maria Ressa said to Irresistible in 2024, “If you’re prepared for the worst, everything else is gravy.”
Aries (Mar21- Apr19)
For Aries, 2025 is about facing the truth of the things that have happened to you, and what you’re going to do next.
Mars is moving into Cancer and so it’s quite literally time to get your house in order. It’s time to assimilate the lessons you have learnt from everything that has gone before, both what others have done to you, and what you have done to others, get organised, and move on. You may even feel it’s time to move house.
spend your time: giving everything away that you don’t need.
Taurus (Apr20-May20)
Taureans have been through the wringer with some situation. There may have been a kind of let down, and it’s not so much about stewing on it, but rather thinking about whether you were expecting things from people who were not equipped to give in the way you hoped.
Venus is moving into Pisces so it’s all about friendships, groups and pairings. This leads to another kind of truth to face; the quality of the relationships you surround yourself with. You can in some cases simply adjust expectations, and if there’s something you really want, find it elsewhere, without continuing to place a burden on a relationship that can’t sustain it. Or you may prefer to abandon something which only had the game- like function of displaying an unmet need. You’d be better off looking for the things or people that will make you happy.
spend your time: advertising what you want, whether that’s a date, someone to fix your bathroom, or a job.
Gemini (May21-Jun20)
Lots of new information is coming for Geminis, and even the stuff that isn’t great is going to be important for you to know, and it’s all working to your advantage.
Some of this may be about money as Mercury moves into your finance house. Things will be continuously revealed to you which you will align to your grander long term plans, so keep track of everything that is being exposed and think long and hard about how the truth is always a good thing, even if it’s uncomfortable at first. The Sun in Aquarius for you is all about long term plans for the future.
spend your time: making lots of lists in a new notebook.
Cancer (Jun21-Jul22)
For Cancerians, you’re starting something new and laying the first foundations.
A Full Moon and Mars in Cancer means it’s the beginning of a new chapter. Some things you will have to let go of and others need to be created from scratch. Don’t hesitate to wave goodbye to the outfits, the memberships, the relationships and the jobs that are getting in the way. You’d could even be completely bold and throw out your old make-up (boys too.)
spend your time: checking your house for anything that’s too old to use anymore, and throwing it away.
Leo (Jul23-Aug22)
Opportunities are coming for Leo’s, some of which you may have planned for, but some seem to be coming out of the blue. They’re exciting and promising and you don’t need to hesitate.
Mars is retrograde in Leo and with Venus in Pisces lots of these new chances will come from the quality of your personal and business relationships and friendships. In fact work will get a surprising boost so go with the flow of whatever you’re offered. In the end it’s your friends that are helping you get to where you are going.
spend your time: working on your new office look.
Virgo (Aug23-Sept22)
Virgos are being given opportunities to get ahead by doing what they love most; chatting and having fun.
Mercury in Capricorn means everything will feel like play and Venus in Pisces means there’ll be plenty of fun at home as well. Lots of what you do now will be groundwork for the future, but it’ll be joyous and expansive and a voyage of discovery without having to take any real risks. You’ll be bringing people together in a professional sense but it won’t feel like work. The Sun in Aquarius also means you’ll be prioritising health and fitness and so leave plenty of time for that.
spend your time: out having lunch.
Libra (Sept23-Oct22)
Somehow Librans don’t have too much to worry about at the moment and it’s all about catching up with old friends and doing something creative that you love.
As Mars is retrograde and in Cancer you might feel like your work life is stalled or on a back burner. Don’t worry about it and take advantage of a slight pause to really think about your friends and family. With Sun in Aquarius you might find that you have the energy and little extra space to do something special for everyone else, and carrying others along on a tide of creativity, and all your old mates will love you for it.
spend your time: organising karaoke night get togethers with people you don’t mind embarrassing yourself in front of.
Scorpio (Oct23-Nov21)
For Scorpios there’s positive transformation and opportunities coming from sources you’re not expecting anything from, or don’t even yet know exist.
There’s a big clash between Mars and Pluto your rulers, so there’s drama between your work and the future and family. Mercury is retrograde so you’ll be less in control than normal of where it’s all heading. There’s also a whole new beginning you don’t even yet know that you need. Once the Sun moves into Aquarius the home and family issues will calm down and reset. So things might feel rushed and intense and too much at once, but you’re in it now and there’s no getting off the wave. Besides high stakes drama is hardly new territory for Scorpios.
spend your time: taking your vitamins it’s going to be a ride.
Sagittarius (Nov22-Dec21)
There are more positive leaps forward for Sagittarians, and some of this will come from such unusual places you may have to go out of your way to be in the way of these opportunities.
The new moon in Aquarius means you can launch new projects or ventures and you’ll have heightened powers of communication and persuasion. So if given a choice, take the road you haven’t been down before or that nobody else wants. You’ll make it work and your gold lies down there.
spend your time: at the airport buying a ticket for whichever flight is leaving next.
Capricorn (Dec22-Jan19)
Capricorns are looking to expand their own minds and have rich life experiences. You may want to travel or learn something new.
With the Sun in Capricorn and Mars retrograde in Cancer, you can focus on your personal goals but they can be slow and long- term ones. The full moon in Capricorn, Venus in Pisces and some activity from Uranus means there may well be some spontaneous romance in the air which will have solid foundations. You’ll feel like spending quality time with those nearest to you, and will also want more time with just you and your thoughts as you progress through this growth and clarity period.
spend your time: at literary festivals and watching documentaries you should already have seen.
Aquarius (Jan20-Feb18)
Aquarians are hard at work and there’s plenty you need to get done which will reap long term benefits for you.
But with the Sun moving into Aquarius and Mars retrograde, be careful not to overdo it – you can’t do everything and you need some downtime or you’ll end up not doing your best. Share the load where you can and bounce strategy ideas off someone whose opinion you value. You may feel like it’a time to end some kind of partnership or someone else might be doing the ending, but whatever it is it doesn’t need to happen overnight, and get some advice. If you’re more efficient and directed you’ll have more time to relax.
spend your time: in the bath.
Pisces (Feb19-Mar20)
Pisceans have been doing the decent thing for a while now, trying to give the circumstance that is constraining them in some way one last chance, and then another.
With Venus in Pisces it’s all about reaching for your ideals, both in romantic love, but love of other things that are important to you- like people and planet and causes and animals- revolutionary love. You no longer have time to waste on things that aren’t working.
If the way out of your current situation seemed too disturbing, it’s time to get on with it, and it’s not as bad as you think. Whatever or whoever you’ve been trying to protect will in the end be better off as well, and able to grow away from you.
spend your time: not feeling guilty.